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Archive for December 20th, 2008|Daily archive page

Anish Kapoor, oh so sublime

In art on December 20, 2008 at 1:18 am


Photo: AFP

Anish Kapoor, Indian-born artist and visionary (in every sense of the word) currently has a solo show, “Memory,” at the Deutsche Guggenheim in Berlin, Germany. In a recent review of one of Kapoor’s monumental pieces, “Cloud Gate,” art critic Meenakshi Thirukode writes:  

“On its surface the viewer sees the reflection of the phallic skyline, the clouds above and himself; as if the sky, earth and the human soul have been conjoined in a transcendent communion…It is not just joy that generations of Kapoor’s audiences have experienced but, fear, tranquillity and a sense of awe standing in front of the Maya or “cosmic illusion” that are his sculptures. It is an experience anyone could partake in regardless of one’s cultural, social or religious conditioning.” 

Read more at The Hindu